Portfolio Data

Growth in Asset Size (Total Acquisition Price)

(as of December 31, 2024)

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(millions of yen)
(Note 1) "Acquisition price" represents the transaction price before taxes, not including various expenses (such as real estate taxes) required for the acquisition of the relative properties.
(Note 2) The "Office" category includes "Akihabara UDX" located in Tokyo's Chiyoda wards, which is the underlying asset to UDX SPC Preferred Securities.

Portfolio Diversification

(as of December 31, 2024)

Investment Ratio by Type

(Note 1) Investment ratio by type is based on the acquisition price of respective properties.
(Note 2) The above ratio includes "Akihabara UDX."

Investment Ratio by Area

Investment Ratio by Age

Average Building Age

(as of December 31, 2024)

Office Buildings Residential Properties Entire Portfolio
27.1 years 20.2 years 25.3 years
(Note1) The average age is the average age of properties weighted by acquisition price.
(Note 2) The above building age includes "Akihabara UDX."
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